Development of a Wearable Technology for the Early Detection of Pressure Ulcers in Nursing Homes




Wearable Device, Pressure Ulcers, Nurses, Hospital's Cloud Technology, Water Wave Optimization with Convolutional Neural Network


As the body deteriorates and develops various ailments, aging inevitably impacts health. When dealing with these issues, healthcare is crucial to healing. Hospital patients' physical and emotional health is worsened by age-related pressure ulcers (PU). This study suggested developing a wearable device for nursing homes to use in the early diagnosis of PU. We also use data augmentation methods to increase our dataset's size and improve our model's robustness. The suggested system uses a wearable gadget to continuously track the patient's location and wireless communication with a tablet to notify the nurse when a patient turn is approaching, following the hospital's policy. The hospital's cloud technology allows for centralized monitoring by recording and updating the turning operation and the patient's position, which is continuously tracked. In a controlled environment, the system could track the patient's posture continually and precisely identify typical patient poses. A Water Wave Optimization with Convolutional Neural Network (WWO-CNN) method is described to prevent PU better. Our method achieves an overall accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, which is encouraging. Our practice offers a more effective and precise solution for the detection and classification of PU when compared to existing research that essentially uses WWO-CNN-based algorithms. Our method can potentially enhance early diagnosis and treatment of PU, leading to better patient outcomes and lower medical costs


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How to Cite

Deshpande B, Malathi H, Niwas R. Development of a Wearable Technology for the Early Detection of Pressure Ulcers in Nursing Homes. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];3:458. Available from: