Care management and relapse prevention for people with dengue fever




Health Management, Dengue, Nursing, Care and Prevention, Relapses


We understand care management as the care of the welfare of patients in practice, the objective aims to improve the hospital management of patient care where in a group of infectologists participate, a multidisciplinary team that are responsible for the treatment, monitoring and diagnosis of the disease. Apply the risks of relapses, such as using repellents, not collecting water, throwing away stagnant water, staying away from places with plants. Although there is no evidence and application of exact measures to prevent relapses of dengue virus, care interventions will depend on each patient


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Short communications

How to Cite

Palomino Quispe JF, Zapana Diaz D, Choque-Flores L, Requis Carbajal LV, Quiroz Suarez D, Peña Crisostomo AS, et al. Care management and relapse prevention for people with dengue fever. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];3:470. Available from: