Nursing teacher training in the use of educational innovation in primary health care: A literature review
Primary Health Care, Educational Innovation, Nursing Education, Nursing TeacherAbstract
Introduction: COVID 19 has disrupted all aspects of health care and health professions education systems, has glimpsed the inadequacies and needs for a better public health infrastructure and health system where the protagonists deserve to be heard.
Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence on the training of nursing teachers in the use of educational innovation in Primary Health Care.
Methods: A systematic review was carried out by searching the following databases: SciELO, Lilacs, Medline, Redalyc, Scopus and PubMed; the keywords used were: "educational innovation", "nursing education", "continuing education", "primary health care".
Results: The analysis of the 23 papers shows that the nurse in COVID19 time faced great challenges every day in their walk, as well as shortcomings in the continuous and virtual teaching training of these; it should be noted that, these identified shortcomings require to be included in the training processes to strengthen teaching skills in Higher Education institutions and Health Institutions, to provide strategies or interventions that endorse the change in the landscape of disease prevention and health promotion at the first level of care.
Conclusions: University teachers need to develop competencies in the use of digital tools and innovation in their teaching work to encourage nursing students to include new models of interventions in the care of prevention and health promotion
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Copyright (c) 2023 Verónica Karina Arias Salvador, Maricelys Jimenez Barrera , María Teresa Cabanillas-Chavez , Monica Elisa Meneses-La Riva (Author)

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