Study on effect of vaginal progesterone to prevent preterm Labour in Women having borderline short cervix detected during tiffa scan


  • Punam Murmu Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital. Balangir, India Author
  • Ranjita Ghadei Bhima Bhoi Medical College & Hospital. Balangir, India Author
  • Divya Evelyne Kuardar S.C.B. Medical College & Hospital. Cuttack, India Author
  • Madhushree Naik S.C.B. Medical College & Hospital. Cuttack, India Author



Cervical Length, Preterm Labor, Short Cervix, Vaginal Progesterone


Worldwide, preterm birth accounts for 9 to 12 percent of all birth-related death and morbidity among infants. Most reliably predicting preterm delivery is the length of the cervical canal in 16 - 24 weeks of pregnancy. A cervical length of 25-35 mm during 16–24 weeks of pregnancy is considered to be borderline. Role of progesterone is quite important during pregnancy in preventing contractions. The purpose of this research is to do a comparison of the efficacy of vaginal progesterone versus no treatment in preventing spontaneous preterm labour when a short cervix is diagnosed by TIFFA scan. 120 antenatal cases at 16 to 24 weeks of gestation were chosen. 60 patients with borderline short cervix were taken, out of which 30 patients who received vaginal progesterone were taken as cases, and 30 others who did not receive were taken as the control. 30 patients with the normal cervix who did not receive progesterone and 30 women who had smaller cervix who received vaginal progesterone were observed for their outcome. It was observed that in case (borderline cervix) group, there was more term deliveries (67 %), in control (borderline cervix) was more early preterm deliveries (57 %), in normal group was 100 % term deliveries and in short cervix group was more early preterm deliveries (43 %). Vaginal delivery was seen in 83 % of patients in the case (borderline cervix),70 % in control (borderline cervix),90 % in the normal cervix, and 90 % in the short cervix group


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How to Cite

Murmu P, Ghadei R, Kuardar DE, Naik M. Study on effect of vaginal progesterone to prevent preterm Labour in Women having borderline short cervix detected during tiffa scan. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];3:501. Available from: