Family Functionality and the Intervention of Nursing in Adolescents of an Educational Institution of an Area of Lima




Mental Health, Family Health, Family Funcionality, Adolescents


Introduction: family functionality is a set of interpersonal relationships of the adolescent, which need an emotional stability and the environment in which they can safely explore an unknown world, therefore.
Objective: to determine family functionality and nursing intervention in adolescents of an educational institution in an area of Lima.
Methods: it is a quantitative-descriptive, cross-sectional study, with a total population of 571 participants who answered a questionnaire of sociodemographic data and the family APGAR instrument.
Results: in the results, 303 (53,1 %) of the adolescents have severe familial dysfunction, 155 (27,1 %) moderate, 5 (0,9 %) mild and 108 (18,9 %) good family function.
Conclusions: it is concluded that family interventions should be carried out that allow family union and thus be able to improve the psycho-affective health of the adolescent


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How to Cite

Asencios-Trujillo L, Asencios-Trujillo L, La Rosa-Longobardi C, Gallegos-Espinoza D, Piñas-Rivera L, Perez-Siguas R. Family Functionality and the Intervention of Nursing in Adolescents of an Educational Institution of an Area of Lima. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];3:543. Available from: