Validation of an instrument on safe perinatal practices in the COVID-19 context




Validation, Internal Consistency, Cronbach's Alpha, Nursing, Perinatal Care, COVID-19, Nursing Care, Validation Studies


Introduction: the care of the pregnant woman, her family and the newborn in the context of a pandemic, is located in a place of vulnerability of rights, due to different dimensions that causes not being able to predict how she will present childbirth and even more if it produces a premature birth, because not all hospital institutions currently comply with the right of childbirth respected and the right of the patient.

Aim: to analyze the internal consistency and reliability of an instrument on safe perinatal practices in the COVID-19 context.

Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in a public institution of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires in the period September-October 2021. The sample consisted of 37 nurses. An instrument composed of 35 items was used that was organized in four dimensions. After applying the data collection instrument in the selected sample, the construct validation was carried out by analyzing the factors and verifying the internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha.

Results: the analysis of internal consistency (reliability) was carried out through Cronbach's Alpha. The descriptive results with the 35 items showed a variance of each item of 4,980; a total variance of 24,088, with a total Cronbach's Alpha of 0,817, showing that the instrument presents internal consistency.

Conclusions: the results show that the proposed instrument has good validity and reliability and that it can be used to evaluate safe perinatal practices in the COVID-19 context


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How to Cite

Villaalta AF. Validation of an instrument on safe perinatal practices in the COVID-19 context. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1:1. Available from: