Childish malnutrition, inequity and access to healthcare in Eugenio Espejo
Child Malnutrition, Inequity, Access to Health, Anthropometric Data, StuntingAbstract
This study addresses child malnutrition in Parroquia Eugenio Espejo, Ecuador, highlighting the relationship between malnutrition, inequity and access to health services. Through a descriptive, quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional approach, a non-probabilistic sample of 81 children aged 0 to 60 months, selected from a population of 508, was analyzed. Three instruments were used: a registry of anthropometric data analyzed with the WHO Anthro program to evaluate growth patterns; a questionnaire on inequity, adapted from INEGI (ENSANUT) Mexico 2019, which collected sociodemographic data of the child and his caregiver; and a survey on perception of access to health, also adapted from INEGI. The findings revealed that 47 % of caregivers, predominantly young parents with incomes below minimum wage and primary education, reported acute malnutrition in 1,23 % of cases, chronic malnutrition or stunting in 34,57 %, and low weight for age in 6,17 %. Inequity was manifested in economic difficulties and lack of knowledge, with a diet deficient in protein and micronutrients, and non-compliance with the recommended five meal times. However, protective practices such as breastfeeding, limiting salt and sugar in meals, and supplementation promoted by the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador were identified. It is concluded that there is dissatisfaction with the care received in the health units, although satisfaction with the needs covered by the health system and the perception of timely health care is recognized
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Copyright (c) 2023 Leonel Gerardo Ruano Yarpaz, Erika Marcela León Revelo (Author)

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