Quality of care and nursing care in the emergency service seen from the perspective of the patient





Quality of Health Care, Patient Satisfaction, Nursing Care, Accessibility to Health Services


Introduction: patient satisfaction is defined as the adequacy of her expectations with the final perception of the health service received.

Objective: to determine the level of satisfaction with the quality of care and nursing care from the perspective of patients.

Method: a prospective descriptive study was carried out in the emergency service of Hospital Samic Alem level II. Dr. Juan Fernando Alegre, Missions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. An ad hoc semi-structured face-to-face questionnaire was used, with 2 variables under study: sociodemographic characteristics and perception of quality in organization (structure, professionalism, actions and technical capacity of nurses in care in the on-call service).

Results: 85 % felt satisfied with the organizational and structural quality, 62 % with the signage, 51 % with the waiting time and 92 % with respect for privacy. Low satisfaction with service organization and cleanliness. High satisfaction with the quality of actions, treatment, information provided and procedures of nurses, low satisfaction with the identification of nurses with patients. Waiting time was related to satisfaction in two of the three study variables.

Conclusions: the perception of general satisfaction was good regarding the structural conditions, care and quality of nursing professional performance, but not so in the identification of nursing staff and cleaning and organization of the service


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How to Cite

Farías ME. Quality of care and nursing care in the emergency service seen from the perspective of the patient. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2021 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1:39. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/3