Bibliometric analysis on neuroscience, artificial intelligence and robotics studies: emphasis on disruptive technologies in education




Disruptive Technologies, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Educational Training


This study examined the scientific literature related to the impact of disruptive technologies in education, with emphasis on neuroscience, artificial intelligence and robotics applied to student learning. Bibliometric tools were used to identify the most cited publications, top journals and influential authors. The findings evidenced a steady growth in scientific production on the topic since 2010, with an increasing focus on distance education, personalized learning, and teacher training. The most prominent journals included the Journal of Educational Technology, International Journal of Robotics in Education, Frontiers in Psychology, and Computers & Education. Recurring themes covered the impact of artificial intelligence on education, the use of robotics in the classroom, and the incorporation of educational technologies into the curriculum. As for the literature in Spanish, considerable scientific production was observed, with journals such as Educación a Distancia, Investigación en Educación and Revista de Educación standing out. The most reiterated themes in this literature dealt with the use of virtual environments in distance learning, the impact of ICTs in education and the design of MOOCs in higher education. This study highlighted a growing concern for the use of disruptive technologies in education, as well as the need to explore their possibilities and limitations. It confirmed a remarkable increase in the scientific literature on the subject in the last decade, focusing on artificial intelligence, robotics and neuroscience applied to education. In addition, a significant scientific production in Spanish was identified, addressing topics on the impact of ICT in education and emerging techno-pedagogical educational models in the online modality


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How to Cite

Del Campo Saltos G, Villlota Oyarvide W, Andrade Sánchez E, Montero Reyes Y. Bibliometric analysis on neuroscience, artificial intelligence and robotics studies: emphasis on disruptive technologies in education. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 May 20 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];3:362. Available from: