Experiences of nursing staff in the prevention of infections associated with health care (IASS) in Neonatology
IASS, Neonatology, Nursing Staff, CareAbstract
Introduction: infections Associated with Health Care (IASS) worldwide is considered one of the main problems for the health system, directly affecting patient safety and the quality of service provision.
Objective: to analyze the experiences of nursing staff in the prevention of Health Care Associated Infections (IASS) in Neonatology.
Methods: this study is the result of a qualitative, purposeful investigation with a phenomenological approach, in a sample of 10 nurses. who work in the Neonatology area, the information collection technique was through a semi-structured interview.
Results: the results show that the nursing staff that works in the Neonatology area is trained and knows the complications that can be contracted by not correctly applying the standards established by the service.
Conclusions: the activities carried out by the nursing staff were effective in avoiding to a large extent the occurrence of IASS cases in the service, which has been a gratifying experience
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yadira Vanessa Chaluisa Ante, Edgar Bravo Paladines (Author)

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