Neurotechnologies and brain codes: the importance of legislation in deconstructive key
Neurotechnologies, Neuro-Rights, Moral Dilemma, Archi-Writing, Brain CodesAbstract
In the article, ethical conflicts arising from the application of neurotechnologies in the human body were analyzed. Although these external devices were presented as potential solutions to certain pathologies, it was observed that they could also be used in healthy individuals and interfere with brain activity, thereby generating the main concern around neuro-rights. However, to carry out this investigation, the focus was on the mind-brain relationship and moral dilemmas. Finally, a connection was established between neuroscience and Derridean and Nancyan thought. This allowed for an understanding, from an interpretative reading of the French philosopher's thought, of the interpretation of writing as brain codes and the urgency of legislating neuro-rights in the face of a potentially dangerous future
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Copyright (c) 2023 Francisco Novoa-Rojas , Andrea Báez-Alarcón (Author)

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