Leadership styles: a study in Latin America, the United States and Europe
Leadership Styles, Outsider Leader, Authoritarian Leader, Team Leadership, Social Leader, Organizational ManagementAbstract
Introduction: leadership styles vary in organizations due to multiple factors, such as policies or organizational culture. Today's globalized world and post-pandemic times require a leader capable of integrating people and motivating them to achieve objectives.
Objective: the aim of this study was to analyze leadership styles in organizations in Latin America, the United States and Europe.
Method: a sample of eighty-one leaders were administered a questionnaire composed of twenty-one items, in order to evaluate the leadership style with the Blake and Mouton test, in order to identify whether leaders are people-oriented or task-oriented.
Results: once the test was applied to the leaders of the study sample, it was found that 1,23 % are social leaders, 4,94 % are authoritarian leaders and 93,83 % are team leaders.
Conclusions: today's society demands an integrative leadership style that helps transform the work team. Research on leadership identifies multiple factors that can lead to the selection of a leadership style. In this regard, the results obtained revealed that the team leadership style is the one most used by leaders
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rolando Eslava Zapata, Jesús Alfonso Omaña Guerrero, Francisco Javier Sierra Narváez, Johanna Milena Mogrovejo Andrade (Author)

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