Physiotherapists' experiences of clinical practice: A Phenomenological Study
Physiotherapy, Assistance Teacher, Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, Collaborative Learning, Scope Of PracticeAbstract
Teaching physical therapists demonstrate in their clinical practice various attitudes and methods that contribute to the professional development of their students. The purpose of the study was to analyze the responses of the teaching physical therapist's experiences in relation to the clinical practice of the physical therapy student. Therefore, a qualitative study was carried out with a phenomenological approach in which an interview was conducted through a guide of semi-structured questions, using the Atlas.ti content analysis technique, to 5 teaching physical therapists with extensive experience in a clinical teaching institution. The results revealed that the category of teaching skills in evaluation obtained the highest number of citations, followed by the category of learning in the clinical setting. In conclusion, the clinical/teaching physical therapists perceived positively the change towards continuous improvement in their practices with students, despite limitations such as lack of standardization in practical activities
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jesús Alberto Soto Manrique , Eduardo Martín Garay Ugaz , Yolanda Josefina Huayta-Franco (Author)

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