On-call communication in intensive care areas in the nursing staff





Nursing;, On-Call Duty, Intensive Care, Quality Of Care, Communication


Background: the on-call process is considered an essential component for continuity of care, since it allows optimizing resources, prioritizing activities and guaranteeing comprehensive care.

Aim: to describe the perception of the quality of information communication during the on-call process in intensive care areas.

Methods: a cross-sectional observational study was carried out. All intensive care area personnel were invited to participate on a voluntary basis. The sample finally consisted of 56 nursing professionals.

Results: 76,8 % were female. Less than three quarters of the respondents received training or induction on on-call duty, although more than 90 % of the respondents reported that training in this area is important. 71,4 % report more than three interruptions during the pass and 55.4 % say that communication was effective. About 30 % of the sample faced family conflicts.

Conclusions: from the nursing staff's perspective, the quality of on-call communication was characterized by shortcomings in terms of the environment, protocolization of the on-call pass, environmental conditions and the relationship with family members


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How to Cite

Karina Susana P. On-call communication in intensive care areas in the nursing staff. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 22 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];2:60. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/190