Nursing duties in cases of placenta accreta. Bibliographic review
Placenta accreta, nursing careAbstract
Introduction: With significant growth in recent times, placental accretism represents a large portion of maternal morbidity and mortality in Brazil, being attached to various pre-dispositions such as surgical delivery with the increase of its incidence, thus becoming a major challenge for public policies in the country.
Objetivo: Analisar através de literaturas as atribuições do enfermeiro frente ao acretismo placentário.
Method: This is an integrative literature review, following the development of stages that correspond to: 1. selection of the theme and elaboration of the research question; 2. search and choice of studies in the scientific bases; 3. categorization of the studies; 4. critical analysis of the included studies; 5. interpretation and discussion of the results; and 6. Presentation of the studies in the integrative review structure.
Results: Three articles from the last 10 years, between 2012 and 2022, were found in the Medical Literature Analyses and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) databases, inclusion criteria: full articles, indexed in the Virtual Health Library, exclusion criteria: constituted in articles in Portuguese, duplicates in other databases and that are not related to the search period between the years, above.
Conclusion: The role of nurses is essential to guide the early diagnosis, as well as perform educational, preventive, therapeutic, and monitoring of childbirth, leading to a broad and quality assistance. Trata-se de uma quebra de paradigma onde a enfermagem atua apenas na condução de tarefas de cuidados pessoais, frisando a necessidade de novos estudos relacionados a atuação do enfermeiro quanto administrador das routinas do cuidado
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Copyright (c) 2022 Gabriela Vacheli Rodrigues , Gislaine Aparecida dos Santos Pinheiro , Roberta Azevedo Silvino Godoy , Patrícia Facina Brandão , William Alves dos Santos (Author)
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