Adoption of the role of the primary caregiver of the adult patient following a hospital stay




Caregiver, Anxiety, Stress, Family Nucleus


Introduction: The fundamental axis of the patient is his family, it produces a change within the family nucleus in a hospitalization situation, demanding greater dedication of time to the affected person and leaving aside daily situations such as work, education, personal care, rest, etc. It fosters a situation of stress and anxiety that increases over time and becomes a burden, generally making the caregiver ill.

Aim: To know the role of the main caregiver of an adult patient after a hospital stay.

Methods: The present study has a quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental approach; the population studied is made up of 120 main caregivers who are in charge of adult patients discharged from the hospital unit. Data collection was through a physical survey for the analysis of the data collected for the assessment of the role of the caregiver of the chronic patient.

Results: The main caregiver of an adult patient after a hospital stay in the majority respond that always with most of the questions asked in the survey having a percentage of 23%, while they respond that almost always with a percentage of 19%, sometimes with a percentage of 20%, almost never with a percentage of 19% and, never with a percentage of 19% this refers that caregivers focus on the most time their role to play.

Conclusions: The experience of caregiving involves responsibility and enormous effort, causing an increase in the caregiver's burden


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How to Cite

Garcés Barros PJ, Mejías M. Adoption of the role of the primary caregiver of the adult patient following a hospital stay. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 21 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];2:108. Available from: