Enhancing Learning Outcomes through Cooperative Project-Based Learning with Augmented Reality Integration
Cooperative Project-Based Learning, Augmented Reality, Learning OutcomesAbstract
This study investigates the integration of Cooperative Project-Based Learning (CPjBL) with Augmented Reality (AR) to enhance student learning outcomes in the context of artificial intelligence education. The study employed a Nonequivalent Control Group Design to compare the effects of this integrated approach with traditional learning methods. The experimental group, which utilized CPjBL enhanced by AR, demonstrated significant improvements in their academic performance, engagement, and problem-solving skills, as shown by pre-test and post-test assessments. In contrast, the control group, following traditional teaching methods, showed smaller improvements. The integration of AR provided students with an interactive and immersive learning experience, facilitating the visualization of complex AI concepts and promoting collaborative problem-solving. This approach not only enhanced students' knowledge retention but also developed their critical thinking, teamwork, and communication skills. The findings suggest that the use of AR in CPjBL creates a more engaging and effective learning environment, aligning educational practices with the technological advancements required in today’s workforce. The study concludes that the integration of CPjBL with AR is an effective strategy for improving student learning outcomes and preparing students for real-world challenges in their careers. This research contributes to the growing body of literature on the potential of combining innovative teaching strategies with emerging technologies in education.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Novi Hendri Adi , M. Giatman , Asrul Huda , Larisang, Titi Sri Wahyuni , Rahmat Fadillah , Yera Wahda Wahdi (Author)

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