Ensuring sustainable development through comprehensive psychological support and population rehabilitation





global crisis, anthropogenic factor, mental health, mental health centre, managerial decision, rehabilitation and psychological support of military personnel


Introduction: The article addresses the issue of state policy aimed at comprehensive psychological support and rehabilitation of the population in the context of sustainable development. 
Methods: The research was conducted based on empirical experience of effective management decisions in Ukraine over the past three years of the Russian-Ukrainian war, using a comprehensive approach involving analysis, synthesis, descriptive, empirical (survey method), and structural methods.
Results: The study measured stress levels in different age categories before and after group psychological training sessions (duration – 2 months) to assess the effectiveness of group psychological support sessions for internally displaced persons using the PSM-25 Lemyr-Tessier-Fillion stress measurement methodology. The empirical study was conducted at the Resilience Centre (Ivano-Frankivsk) as a shelter for internally displaced persons during 2023-2024 and covered 120 people from various age groups of internally displaced persons. The results obtained from the PSM-25 Lemyr-Tessier-Fillion stress measurement method indicate significant effectiveness of group psychological training for all age groups. As statistics show, the high stress level of all respondents decreased by 7%, and the low level by 6%. 
Conclusions: Thus, 31% of respondents reported a high-stress level after completing group training sessions, the lowest figure compared to the percentage of respondents with medium and low-stress levels. The highest indicator, 37%, was observed in the adolescent age group (15-22 years), which is quite logical, as at this age, there is reduced capacity for self-regulation of emotional background.


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How to Cite

Minin M, Tverezovska N, Tabakar K, Kunchenko D, Babii M, Barzylovych A. Ensuring sustainable development through comprehensive psychological support and population rehabilitation. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 22 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5:1467. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/1467