Perspectives on Mental Health Challenges and Needs: A Qualitative Study of Adolescents in Incarceration
Adolescent, incarceration, mental health, protective factors, risk factors, qualitative researchAbstract
Introduction: The global community is increasingly recognizing the importance of mental health. However, adolescents in correctional institutions are often overlooked and do not have sufficient access to the mental health services they need. These young individuals have the same right to proper care and support. This study aims to explore the challenges and needs related to adolescent mental health while serving sentences in correctional facilities.
Methods: This study utilized a qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach to explore experiences within the prison system. Participants were selected using purposive sampling based on specific criteria, resulting in 30 individuals: nine adolescent inmates, eight caregivers, five nurses, and eight prison officers. The characteristics of participants were analyzed using frequency distribution and measures of central tendency. Qualitative data from interviews were examined through thematic analysis to identify key themes and patterns reflecting the complex realities of those in the prison environment.
Results: This study identified four themes: 1) Transition experience during legal proceedings, 2) Risk factors for adolescent mental health problems, 3) Protective factors of adolescent development, and 4) The need to handle mental health problems.
Conclusion: Incarceration creates significant psychological stress for adolescents, contributing to anxiety and mental health issues. Factors such as violence during arrest, stigma, and isolation worsen these problems. However, family support, education, and positive activities can help. Comprehensive mental health interventions, including regular check-ups, are essential for the well-being of detained adolescents.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Zulhaini Sartika A. Pulungan, Achir Yani S. Hamid, Herni Susanti, Suzy Yusna Dewid (Author)

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