Effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve perceptions of obesity, enhance self-esteem, and reduce tobacco and alcohol consumption among nursing students
Obesity, Self-esteem, Alcohol, tobacco, Educational interventionAbstract
Introduction: excess weight, the use of substances such as tobacco and alcohol, and low self-esteem are closely linked factors that have a significant impact on physical and psychological well-being, particularly among young individuals. These conditions present major challenges for healthcare systems as well as for educational processes in the training of future nursing professionals. Objective: to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention in improving the perception of obesity, enhancing self-esteem, and reducing tobacco and alcohol consumption. Methodology: a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design was conducted on a sample of 60 nursing students. Data were collected using the Harris Pictogram, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the Prevalence of Legal Drug Use (PLDU) indicator. The educational intervention consisted of 24 one-hour sessions over a three-month period. Results: following the intervention, both male and female participants demonstrated a significant improvement in body perception (p < .05), as well as in self-esteem (p < .05). Additionally, the number of tobacco and alcohol consumers in the past week decreased significantly (p < .05). Conclusions: the educational intervention improved the perception of obesity, strengthened self-esteem, and reduced the prevalence of tobacco and alcohol consumption.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Gabriela Ontiveros-Herrera, Roberto Joel Tirado-Reyes, Jesús Roberto Garay-Núñez, Verónica Guadalupe Jiménez-Barraza, Pedro Moisés Noh-Moo, Lubia del Carmen Castillo-Arcos, Sylvia Claudine Ramírez-Sánchez, José María Santamaría-García, Rosalia Silva-Maytorena (Author)

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