The Effect of Lifestyle Measures on Pandemic Disease Prevention among Older Adults




COVID-19, Elderly, Preventive Measures, Lifestyle Measures


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of older adults, who are the most susceptible population group. Promoting healthier habits like diet, exercise, sleep, and reducing smoking and alcohol consumption can reduce infection risks and prevent severe cases. Public authorities are focusing on elderly adults, but attitudes and compliance with these measures remain largely unknown. The study aims to evaluate older adults' lifestyle measures toward the prevention of COVID-19. 
Methods: A study involving 350 older adults was conducted at El Fayoum General Hospital and Abshway Central Hospital. A descriptive design was used, and data was collected using a structured interviewing questionnaire. The questionnaire assessed personal characteristics, health status, and self-reported lifestyle practices. The study aimed to understand the health status and lifestyle practices of older adults in El Fayoum.
Results: The main results of the study revealed that 30% of the studied group had good personal hygiene, 45.1% had moderate physical activity, 23.1% had good nutrition, 17.1% did not smoke, 30.6% of the studied group did not manage their stress levels, 50.7% had poor social relations. Also,91.7% of them practiced moderate safety lifestyles, while 9% of them had undesirable lifestyles. Additionally, 61.7% of older adults had poor health status.
 Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted older adults, especially those with chronic illnesses. Implementing preventive measures and managing chronic conditions is crucial to reduce infection risk and improve health outcomes, especially through targeted interventions.


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How to Cite

Ahmed Mersal F, Megahed Ibrahim A, El Sattar Ali RA, Abdou Eltaib F, Abu negm LMM. The Effect of Lifestyle Measures on Pandemic Disease Prevention among Older Adults. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5:1420. Available from: