Nursing experiences in the care of patients with non-invasive high-flow oxygen therapy
Nursing Experiences, Patient Care, High-Flow Oxygen TherapyAbstract
Introduction: Noninvasive high-flow oxygen therapy is defined as therapy in which the individual is provided with a constant flow of oxygen above maximal inspiratory flow through a nasal cannula.
Aim: To determine nursing experiences in the care of patients with noninvasive high-flow oxygen therapy.
Method: Qualitative, phenomenological, descriptive and retrospective research between June-August 2022, the study participants were nursing graduates. After informed consent was signed by the study participants, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of 10 nurses.
Results: The experiences of the nursing staff were positive, most of the interviewees stated that they had no previous knowledge and were learning based on the transfer of knowledge from their coworkers, they were able to correctly perform the treatment and showed a rapid improvement of the patient's signs and symptoms, as they clearly identify the management of the cannula, its complications and nursing care to be executed during the procedure, they stated that the limitation was the lack of supplies within the hospital entity.
Conclusions: The theoretical experience obtained during their formative process is linked to practical experience; it significantly influences patient care, since, being a relatively new procedure, its practice is usually little used
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Copyright (c) 2022 Erika Gabriela Achachi Manotoa, Roberto Carlos Torres Cruz (Author)
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