Gestural codes in the inclusion of students with autism in the physical education class
gesture codes, inclusion, autism, physical education, Physical EducationAbstract
Introduction: The effective inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Physical Education classes faces significant challenges, especially in nonverbal communication and social interaction. Objective: This study proposes an intervention based on gestural codes to foster the inclusion of these students in an Ecuadorian context. Methodology: A mixed sequential explanatory design was adopted, combining quantitative (pretest-posttest) through the Inventory of Teaching Challenges for Inclusive Physical Education (ITC-IPE), and qualitative (interviews) analyses. The sample included 14 students with an average age of 11 years, two with a diagnosis of ASD, and three teachers trained in the use of gesture codes. Results: The results indicated significant improvements in the comprehension of instructions, active participation and social interactions of students with ASD, as well as a reduction in disruptive behaviors. The gesture codes acted as visual tools that complemented verbal instructions, promoting a more inclusive and collaborative environment. Interviews with teachers confirmed the effectiveness of this strategy, highlighting its positive impact on group dynamics and the emotional atmosphere of the classroom. Conclusions: Despite limitations in sample size and lack of longitudinal follow-up, the findings underscore the potential of gesture codes as inclusive pedagogical strategies. This approach reinforces the importance of adapting teaching practices to ensure the comprehensive development of students with ASD in physical activities, promoting a more equitable and accessible education.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Olga Mercedes Murillo Murillo, Bryan Saul Nay Betancourt, Darwin Israel Resabala Chila, Lenin Esteban Loaiza Dávila, Giceya De La Caridad Maqueira Caraball (Author)

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