Risk factors and psychological impact on highly vulnerable adolescents during COVID-19 confinement
Risk, Psychological Impact, Adolescents; Vulnerability, Confinement, COVID-19Abstract
Introduction: the confinement by COVID-19, caused the interruption of medical/psychological treatments with serious deterioration for the mental health of adolescents in condition of vulnerability.
Aim: to determine the influence of sociodemographic factors on the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in adolescents with medical/psychological treatment prior to COVID-19 confinement in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador.
Method: the research had a non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational, descriptive design aimed at 100 individuals aged 10 to 19 years, to whom a psychological measurement instrument was applied virtually and in person: DASS-21 Scale and a sociodemographic questionnaire that included questions on medical/psychological treatment prior to the pandemic. The descriptive and inferential analysis was performed with the SPSS statistical program to calculate Pearson's Chi-square and check the statistically significant relationships between the study variables and Odds ratio as a measure of probability of occurrence.
Results: the research revealed that confinement by COVID-19 determined greater affectation in the anxiety subscale, extremely severe and severe dimensions with 64% of the cases, moderate and mild with 36 %. The statistical analysis of correlation between the DASS-21 Scale and sociodemographic characteristics determined significant association between the subgroup of adolescents with previous treatments and anxiety.
Conclusions: The risk factors analyzed, influenced 11 % in the symptomatology identified by the DASS-21 with a probability of occurrence of 13,14 times for generating anxiety and 5,33 for depression in adolescents who interrupted medical/psychological treatments, during the pandemic health emergency
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