Ethical analysis of the fair selection of participants in Human Papillomavirus prevention research




Human Papillomavirus Viruses, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms, Ethic


Introduction: human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are the leading cause of cervical cancer. The transmission of this virus occurs primarily through sexual contact. Therefore, research supported by ethical principles must equitably select both men and women as participants, given that both groups benefit from the findings.
Objective: to analyze the selection of participants in studies on HPV infection prevention from an ethical perspective.
Methods: a narrative review was conducted following the recommendations of Cronin, Ryan, and Coughlan. The databases WoS, PubMed, SCOPUS, and CINAHL Complete were consulted, identifying 530 articles. After removing duplicates and applying predefined eligibility criteria, 19 manuscripts were selected.
Results: a significant proportion of the studies originated from Africa. The participants were predominantly women, students, and individuals aged between 27 and 36 years. The findings reveal a bioethical concern regarding the exclusion of certain groups from research, which may cause or exacerbate health disparities, particularly among vulnerable populations.
Conclusions: access to research must include both men and women to gather information that supports the development of inclusive regulations and policies for the entire population. Groups underrepresented in research do not adequately benefit from the advantages such studies generate


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How to Cite

Rivera-Rojas F, Valencia-Contrera M, Villa-Velásquez J, Vallejos Vergara S, Araya AX. Ethical analysis of the fair selection of participants in Human Papillomavirus prevention research. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5:1304. Available from: