Update on Alternative Methods for the Management of Dysmenorrhea: A Narrative Review
Dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, Gynecological Pathology, Alternative treatment, diet, exercises, local heat, vitamins, electrostimulationAbstract
Introduction: The term dysmenorrhea originates from the Greek words "dis" (difficult), "men" (month), and "rheo" (flow), which together mean "difficult menstrual flow." However, it is commonly used to refer to painful menstruation, a common gynecological issue that can affect women of reproductive age. This condition is characterized by intense abdominal and pelvic pain during menstruation, impacting women's daily activities.
Objective: To update alternative methods for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea that improve the health and quality of life of women of childbearing age.
Methods: A narrative review was conducted, initially considering 1574 scientific articles, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria to select 33 publications from the last 6 years. These publications were sourced from major databases such as PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, SciELO, and Google Scholar, focusing on alternative methods for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.
Results: Ten articles were analyzed, presenting the main results on the effectiveness of exercises, massages, vitamin supplements, electrostimulation, and sleep changes to relieve menstrual pain.
Conclusions: The review explores alternative methods to treat dysmenorrhea, highlighting the lack of protocols in Latin America and empirical studies in Ecuador. It analyzes non-pharmacological practices and emphasizes the importance of education in self-care and holistic approaches.
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