The Potential of Andean Foods in the Dietary Management of Celiac Disease: Nutritional Benefits and Practical Applications
Andean foods, gluten-free diet, celiac diseaseAbstract
The study addressed the potential of Andean foods in the dietary management of celiac disease (CD), considering their nutritional benefits and practical applications. A systematic review was conducted using the PRISMA method, selecting relevant studies published between 2019 and 2024. The research included foods such as quinoa, amaranth, kiwicha, tarwi, purple corn, native potato, sweet potato, and oca, which were analyzed regarding their nutritional composition and viability for a gluten-free diet.
The results showed that these foods exhibited high levels of proteins, fiber, essential minerals, and bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Quinoa and amaranth were highlighted for offering a superior protein profile compared to conventional cereals. At the same time, purple corn and tarwi provided additional benefits due to their anthocyanin and essential fatty acid content.
The study concluded that Andean foods represented a viable and nutritious alternative for individuals with CD, promoting a more balanced and healthier diet. Furthermore, their incorporation into the food industry was recommended through the development of innovative gluten-free products. It was also suggested to continue studies evaluating the bioavailability of these foods and their long-term impact on the intestinal health of celiac patients.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Deysi Guevara, Carmen Viteri, Verónica Robayo, Kattyta Hidalgo, Cristina Arteaga (Author)

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