Risky eating behaviors and body weight in adolescents in northeastern Mexico
Eating behavior, Adolescent, Eating disorders, Overweight, ObesityAbstract
Introduction: Risky Eating Behaviors are habits that generally precede an eating behavior disorder. The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between Risky Eating Behaviors and body weight in school adolescents from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional design, which included 74 adolescents between 12 and 15 years of age. The Brief Questionnaire of Risky Eating Behaviors was used to identify the prevalence of Risky Eating Behaviors. Overweight was determined using the references established by the World Health Organization for body mass index. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS version 25 statistical package.
Results: 20.3% of the adolescents presented a high risk of Risky Eating Behaviors, being more prevalent in females. The most frequent risk behaviors were the use of pills, preoccupation with gaining weight, dieting, excessive exercise, binge eating, feelings of lack of control and fasting. Worrying about gaining weight was the behavior with the highest frequency (23%) in females (p<0.001) compared to males. Furthermore, in adolescents with higher body mass index, an increased relationship was found in the proportion of adolescents with “higher risk” of Risky Eating Behaviors, compared to those in the “lower risk” category.
Conclusions: Elevated body mass index was significantly associated with the presence of these behaviors. Therefore, it is important to develop weight control interventions that consider biopsychosocial aspects in order to prevent risk behaviors in adolescents.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Perla Orozco-Naranjo , Juana Mercedes Gutiérrez-Valverde , Juan Alberto López González, Milton Carlos Guevara Valtier (Author)

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