Palliative care in brain-dead patients




Palliative Care, Brain Death, Coma, Nursing


Introduction: brain death is an injury at the brain level, which can cause irreversible damage, since death is the irreversible loss of brain functions. 
Objective: to identify the role of nursing staff in patients with brain death with a serious prognosis and the impact of the caregiver. 
Method: systematic review of the literature through the selection of academic articles in different bibliographic sources. 
Results: 20 original scientific articles were selected that determined the incidence of this condition in young adults and the importance of palliative care. 
Conclusions: brain death has a physical, psychological and emotional impact; The nursing staff is committed to the meticulous care of the patient focused on palliative care in order to alleviate pain, provide comfort, well-being, and a dignified death, providing emotional support to family members


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Systematic reviews or meta-analyses

How to Cite

López Romo YE, Cumbajin Montatixe ME, Morales Mayorga SG, Simbaña Quishpi MA, Llerena Cruz CA. Palliative care in brain-dead patients. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 4 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];2:145. Available from: