Effectiveness of the use of voice amplification systems in the educational field: A systematic review
voice amplification, vocal health, educationAbstract
Introduction: teachers face high vocal demands, increasing the risk of developing voice disorders due to overexertion. This study reviews the use of voice amplification systems and their effect on educators' vocal health.
Methods: a systematic literature review was conducted with articles published between 2013 and 2024 in Spanish, English, or Portuguese in the Scopus, PubMed, and EBSCO databases using the PRISMA methodology.
Results: studies show that portable voice amplifiers can reduce vocal intensity and fundamental frequency, minimizing vocal load and improving speech clarity in educational settings. However, this would only be effective in the presence of a previous vocal pathology.
Conclusions: the use of voice amplification systems could be advantageous for teachers with previous vocal problems, especially women, although more research is required to determine their long-term safety and prevent potential vocal damage. It is recommended to combine amplification with other preventive measures such as acoustic improvements and voice care programs for comprehensive management of teachers' vocal health.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Bárbara Farías-Fritz, Marilyn San Martín Cofré, Andrea María Palma Contreras, Angel Roco-Videla (Author)

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