The Influence of Innovative Leadership Ability, Managerial Ability, Work Behavior, and Work Commitment on Work Productivity at Elementary Schools in Lebak Regency




Innovative leadership, managerial ability, work behavior, work commitment, work productivity


This study examines the influence of innovative leadership ability, managerial ability, work behavior, and work commitment on the work productivity of elementary school teachers in Lebak Regency. Using a quantitative approach and multiple linear regression analysis, this study finds that innovative leadership and work commitment have significant effects on teacher work productivity. The study also shows that these variables are correlated in creating a productive and innovative learning environment. This research provides practical insights for elementary school administrators in Lebak Regency regarding the importance of the principal's role in enhancing work productivity through innovative managerial approaches.

Author Biography

  • Yuyu Yuhana, Sultan Ageng Tiryatasa University, Department of Mathematics Education, Serang, Indonesia



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How to Cite

Darif M, Sudadio S, Yuhana Y. The Influence of Innovative Leadership Ability, Managerial Ability, Work Behavior, and Work Commitment on Work Productivity at Elementary Schools in Lebak Regency. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5:1153. Available from: