Life experiences of overcrowded families in the Comunidad Tingo Grande
Family, Life Experience, Community, HomeAbstract
Introduction: overcrowding in the home is a risk factor, an aspect of danger often faced by household members, which increases the probability of frequent injuries or illnesses. In a country of 12 million inhabitants, with nearly 3 million homes, there is an alarming qualitative housing deficit.
Objective: to report life experiences of families that are overcrowded in the Tingo Grande Community.
Methods: this research is qualitative, uses the collection and analysis of data, is based on the real life of 5 households which are made up of more than 3 families which have conflicts on a daily basis.
Results: open coding made it possible to distinguish four categories: a) emotional, b) family, c) communicative and d) economic. They have been reorganized to build a comprehensive model that formulates the main results for the phenomenon under study.
Conclusions: the quality of life of the population in a family agglomerate is affected by overcrowding. The main risk factor for family overcrowding is the low educational level. The lack of a stable job that does not allow enough income to support the home is also a risk factor
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Copyright (c) 2022 David Israel Zambrano Acosta , Graciela De Las Mercedes Quishpe Jara (Author)
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