The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Audit Quality through Job Stress: Evidence from Vietnamese Independent Auditors
Audit quality, Emotional intelligence, Vietnam, Work stressAbstract
Introduction: This study was conducted to examine how emotional intelligence can affect audit quality through its impact on job stress.
Objectives: The aim of the study is to determine whether higher levels of emotional intelligence can reduce job stress and improve audit quality, taking into account the pressures that auditors face in Vietnam, such as tight deadlines and complex regulatory requirements.
Methods: Using quantitative research methods, using a structured survey to collect data from 327 auditors, audit team leaders, audit department heads and directors of 125 independent auditing companies in Vietnam and using the SEM structure model on SPSS and AMOS 20 software to test hypotheses.
Results: The results show that all dimensions of emotional intelligence (Assessing one's own emotions, Assessing others' emotions, Using Emotions, and Regulating Emotions) significantly reduce work stress and work stress, which in turn negatively affect audit quality.
Conclusions: These findings are significant because they highlight the importance of emotional intelligence training and stress management interventions in improving auditor health and improving audit quality. By addressing work stress, audit firms can ensure better performance and higher audit standards in a fiercely competitive market like Vietnam, where Big4 audit firms account for 70% of the audit market share
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Copyright (c) 2025 Pham Huy Hung, Nguyen Thi Hong Lam, Nguyen Thi Kim Duyen, Nguyen Thi Phuong (Author)

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