Humanized nursing care to the palliative patient during hospital stay


  • Gabriela Lissette Peralvo Veloz Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Carrera de Licenciatura en Enfermería. Ciudad de Ambato, Ecuador Author
  • Gloria Isabel Ramírez Gavilanes Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Carrera de Licenciatura en Enfermería. Ciudad de Ambato, Ecuador Author



Humanized Care, Nursing, Palliative Care, Watson's Theory


Introduction: Humanized care in nursing practice is an urgent need in the palliative field due to the high vulnerability of this type of patients, physical and emotional deterioration, uncertainty and ignorance of the disease and care processes. 
Objective: to identify the perception that palliative care patients and their families have of the humanized nursing care they receive during hospital stays.  
Methods: it was a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach developed in a population of 15 patients over 18 years of age. The data was collected through the questionnaire "Perception of Behaviors of Humanized Nursing Care PCHE third edition. 
Results: The results of the perception of humanized nursing care in palliative patients were unfavorable; globally, 93,3 % reported that this technique is only applied sometimes. In the dimension qualities of nursing, openness to communication and although not in significant percentages if compliance was always observed in frequency (13.3 %), however in the willingness to care dimension a percentage of 33.3 % He said that it never happens. 
Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be said that within the health unit under study, humanized care is not applied adequately and opportunely to the palliative patient because these were unfavorable both globally and in each of its three dimensions


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How to Cite

Peralvo Veloz GL, Ramírez Gavilanes GI. Humanized nursing care to the palliative patient during hospital stay. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 17 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];2:161. Available from: