Greening Organizational Culture in Relation to Employees' Green Human Resources Management; The Mediating Role of Environmental Commitment and Citizenship
Green Human Resources Management, Greening Organizational Culture, Environmental Commitment, CitizenshipAbstract
Background: The growing awareness of environmental issues is prompting organizations to proactively implement environmental management strategies. Green human resource management (GHRM) practices are being used to convert strategy into results.
Methodology: Employing a quantitative approach, data were gathered from 271 faculty members through structured questionnaires. The analysis involved descriptive statistics using SPSS and SEM using AMOS to understand the relationships among green culture, environmental commitment, environmental citizenship, and GHRMP along with the mediating role of faculty' commitment and environmental citizenship.
Results: The study revealed that green organizational culture is significantly associated with both employees' environmental commitment and citizenship. Specifically, green culture had a strong positive correlation with environmental commitment and environmental citizenship. Moreover, environmental commitment and citizenship were significantly correlated with GHRMP, indicating the pivotal role of green culture in fostering a supportive environment for green HR practices. The mediation analysis highlighted the significant indirect effects of green culture on GHRMP through environmental commitment and environmental citizenship.
Conclusion: The study underscores the significant influence of green organizational culture on fostering environmental commitment and citizenship among employees. The mediating role of GHRMP is pivotal in translating this culture into practical and measurable outcomes. These findings suggest that institutions aiming to enhance their environmental stewardship, and sustainable practices should focus on nurturing a green culture and implementing robust green HRM practices.
Implications: The results provide valuable insights for university administrators and policymakers on the importance of integrating green principles into organizational culture and human resource management. By doing so, they can significantly improve the commitment and active participation of staff in environmental sustainability initiatives.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ali D. Abousoliman , Mohamed Ali Zoromba , Heba Emad El-Gazar (Author)

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