Attitude towards vasectomy in men from Veracruz, México
Vasectomy, attitude, men, nursing, family planningAbstract
Introduction: Vasectomy or male sterilisation is a procedure that consists of cutting the vas deferens to prevent the passage of spermatozoa into the seminal fluid. There are several factors that cause men to have misconceptions that foster a negative attitude towards this procedure, such as, for example, the deformity of the reproductive system, decreased and consistent ejaculation, among others. Objective: To determine the levels of attitude towards vasectomy held by men in the Port of Veracruz. Methodology: Research of non-experimental design, with a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional approach; the study sample consisted of 200 men, the instrument used was Attitudes and Beliefs towards Vasectomy which reported an alpha of 0.85. Results: It was determined that 69% of the study sample expressed a neutral attitude towards the procedure; on the other hand, in relation to attitude and level of schooling, 55% of the participants who expressed a positive attitude had a bachelor's degree level of education; finally, the association with age and attitude towards the problem showed that 60.9% of those aged 25-34 years expressed a positive attitude. Conclusion: It is concluded that for this study the majority of the participants expressed a neutral attitude, it is therefore important to continue working on health education and promotion.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Miguel Angel Lopez Ocampo, Edith Castellanos Contreras, Javier Salazar Mendoza, Ernestina Méndez Cordero, Miguel Angel Castro Onorio, Zita Sandoval Sánchez, Diana Luz Rodríguez Landa, Maria de los Angeles Onofre Santiago, Jesús Radai López Posadas (Author)

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