Anxiety disorders in seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic
Anxiety, COVID-19, Pandemic, Older AdultsAbstract
Introduction: the COVID-19 pandemic has affected different populations, of which the most vulnerable is the elderly, since in this population there are more risk factors than protective factors against a disease that has a varied symptomatology, all this has generated in the elderly a feeling of helplessness and insecurity, which can become symptoms of an anxiety disorder.
Aim: to analyze the anxiety level of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methodology: it corresponds to a quantitative research design of descriptive observational and correlational cross-sectional cohort type.
Results: regarding demographic variables, it was found that most of the population studied were men between 60 and 79 years of age; the older adults of Santa Rosa parish have a moderate level of anxiety; 15 of the 21 symptoms evaluated by the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were presented with equal intensity in men and women.
Conclusions: the most frequent symptoms were strong and accelerated heartbeat, weakening of legs, fear of the worst happening, feeling dizzy, insecurity and trembling body, all these symptoms are found in the test used (Beck Anxiety Inventory or BAI); the most frequent anxiety level was moderate anxiety
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