AI-Powered brain tumor classification and predictive system using convolutional neural networks model


  • Sivamurugan V Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Information Technology. Kalavakkam, India Author
  • Radha N Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Information Technology. Kalavakkam, India Author
  • Swathika R Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Information Technology. Kalavakkam, India Author



Brain tumor, disease prediction, tumor disease, MRI Images, Deep learning model and disease classification


One of the most dangerous forms of cancer, brain tumors are brought on by abnormal cell partitioning that is not only uncontrolled but also abnormal. Recent developments in deep learning have been of great use to the healthcare industry, notably diagnostic imaging technology, which is used to diagnose a wide variety of illnesses. There is a good chance that task CNN is the deep learning model that is applied the most frequently and extensively for image recognition. In a similar manner, images obtained from brain MRI scanning are classified by our research team through the utilization of CNN, data augmentation, and image processing approaches. Through the use of CNN, we tested the performance of the scratch CNN model. Despite the fact that the analysis was conducted on a relatively small dataset, the findings reveal that our model's accuracy is quite successful and has incredibly low complexity rates. It achieved an accuracy of 99.5%, which is significantly higher than the other machine learning


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How to Cite

V S, N RN, R SR. AI-Powered brain tumor classification and predictive system using convolutional neural networks model. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];5:1099. Available from: