Unlocking the Mind: Using Word Frequency Analysis to Reveal Metaphor Patterns in Schizophrenia Patients' Poetry





Schizophrenia, poetry therapy, metaphor analysis, emotional expression, cognitive patterns


Introduction: This study investigates the metaphorical language used in poetry by schizophrenia patients, aiming to reveal underlying cognitive and emotional patterns. Understanding these patterns can enhance therapeutic approaches and provide insights into the patients' mental states.
Methods: A qualitative analysis was conducted on poetry written by a patient diagnosed with hebephrenic schizophrenia at Menur Mental Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia. The analysis employed word frequency analysis (WFA) to identify recurring themes and metaphorical expressions, focusing on the emotional and cognitive implications of the language used.
Results: The findings revealed a significant prevalence of metaphors related to pain, voice, and mind, indicating the patient's struggles with emotional distress and cognitive disorganization. The poetry exhibited patterns of repetition, particularly concerning the concept of illness, reflecting the patient's ongoing battle with their mental health condition. Additionally, the analysis highlighted the disorganized thought processes characteristic of schizophrenia, as evidenced by incoherent and fragmented expressions.
Conclusions: The study underscores the therapeutic potential of poetry as a medium for self-expression among schizophrenia patients. By analyzing metaphorical language, clinicians can gain deeper insights into patients' emotional experiences, facilitating more empathetic and effective therapeutic interventions. Future research should explore the implications of these findings across diverse populations to further understand the intersection of mental health and creative expression.


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How to Cite

Suryani Y, Yulianto B, Suhartono S. Unlocking the Mind: Using Word Frequency Analysis to Reveal Metaphor Patterns in Schizophrenia Patients’ Poetry. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];5:1096. Available from: https://sct.ageditor.ar/index.php/sct/article/view/1096