Evaluation of the efficacy of thermonebulization with glutaraldehyde in the disinfection of surfaces in the San Francisco market in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador
Methylene blue, Bacteria, Fungi, Glutaraldehyde, ThermonebulizationAbstract
Introduction: t hermal fogging with glutaraldehyde is an effective technique for disinfecting surfaces in crowded places such as markets. Glutaraldehyde is a biocide effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi, including resistant pathogens such as bacterial spores and mycobacteria. The use of glutaraldehyde by thermonebulization disperses the biocide in a fine mist, allowing access to hard-to-clean areas, which is essential in busy environments such as markets. The technique offers wide and efficient coverage, reaching areas that manual methods may miss. Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of glutaraldehyde thermonebulization in surface disinfection. Methods: the methodology addresses the problem through a detailed evaluation of the reduction of pathogenic microorganisms on treated surfaces. Specific microbiological techniques are employed to isolate and quantify different types of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, using differentiated culture media: blood agar, eosin methylene blue agar (EMB) and Sabouraud agar. This approach allows a thorough understanding of the efficacy of glutaraldehyde by analyzing both the spectrum of microorganisms affected and the magnitude of the reduction in microbial load. Results: microbial growth in surface tests and biological indicators will be evaluated in the survival of microorganisms. Absence of growth indicates effective disinfection. In the Adequate distribution it is confirmed that the chemical indicators show a uniform distribution of glutaraldehyde
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Copyright (c) 2025 Silvia Alexandra Reinoso Ortiz, Oscar Daniel Escobar Zabala, Sonia del Pilar Mora Sanchez, Alberto Dario Díaz Parra, Paola Natalie Paredes Chinizaca, Mishell Andrea Collaguazo FialloI, Vilma Karina Moyano Arias, Karina Pilar Yumiseba Abril (Author)
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