Bibliometric Analysis of IoT-Based Technologies for Health Monitoring: Trends, Impact, and Key Findings (2014-2024)
telemedicine, patient safety, delivery of health care, data management, chronic disease indicatorAbstract
The integration of IoT technologies into health monitoring has revolutionized healthcare delivery, enabling real-time data collection, remote patient monitoring, and improved management of chronic diseases.
This study conducts a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of IoT-based health monitoring research, aiming to identify influential contributors and emerging research themes.
The analysis was based on data retrieved from the Scopus database using a search query designed to capture studies focused on IoT in health monitoring. Only peer-reviewed journal articles published between 2014 and 2024 in English or Spanish were included. The study adhered to PRISMA guidelines for literature selection and employed the biblioshiny package in R for data processing and visualization.
The analysis revealed an increase in research activity, particularly after 2017, with notable peaks in publication volume during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journals such as Sensors and IEEE Access were identified as key publication outlets, while authors like Pasi Liljeberg and Amir M. Rahmani were the most influential contributors. Geographically, the United States, China, and India dominated scientific output. Thematic analysis indicated an evolution from early studies focused on IoT architecture to recent concerns over data privacy, cybersecurity, and interoperability.
The growing body of research on IoT-based health monitoring highlights its transformative potential for healthcare, especially in managing chronic conditions and remote care. However, challenges such as data security and device interoperability must be addressed. Future research should focus on developing standardized protocols and ensuring the ethical use of IoT in healthcare to enhance its adoption and effectiveness
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Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Sornoza-Parrales , Dimas Vera Pisco , Mercedes Marcela Pincay Pilay , María Leonor Parrales Poveda (Author)

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