Post-operative rehabilitation in a hospital setting for people with scoliosis: a narrative review
Scoliosis, Postoperative Care, Rehabilitation, Empowerment, ExerciseAbstract
Introduction: Idiopathic scoliosis, known as a three-dimensional alteration in the shape and position of the spine, is highly prevalent in children and adolescents. It causes major motor, respiratory, social and psychological limitations. After determining the degree and location of the scoliosis, corrective surgery may be indicated in the most advanced situations.
Objective: Identify rehabilitation programs to be implemented for people undergoing corrective surgery for scoliosis, in the post-operative period, in a hospital setting.
Methods: A narrative review was carried out using a bibliographic search on EBSCOhost, with the words: scoliosis, hospitalization, postoperative period, rehabilitation, nursing, functionality, exercises, physical, postural and pulmonary, over the last 5 years.
Results: The 9 studies included were mostly primary, focused on knowledge and instruction for people with scoliosis, the importance of respiratory and motor rehabilitation, body balance and self-care in activities of daily living. Several authors suggest building rehabilitation protocols for people with scoliosis, from pre- to post-surgery, due to the gains in functionality and quality of life that can be achieved.
Conclusions: The core areas of rehabilitation intervention for people undergoing corrective surgery for scoliosis in the post-operative period are functional respiratory re-education, functional motor re-education and re-education of body balance and self-care.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carla Raposo, Daniela Oliveira, Sandy Severino, Fabiana Faleiros, Geyslane Albuquerque, Bruno Ferreira, Helena José, Luís Sousa (Author)

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