State of Drowsiness in people with diabetes mellitus II in Mexico City
Drowsiness, Sleep, Diabetes Mellitus, GlycemiaAbstract
Introduction: drowsiness is the tendency of a person to fall asleep when faced with any event and may be associated with high blood glucose levels.
Objective: to know the state of sleepiness in people with type II diabetes mellitus in Mexico City and if it is a symptom of high glucose levels or lack of control of their diabetes mellitus.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in adults with type II diabetes mellitus in Mexico City. The state of global sleepiness was measured using the Epworth Scale, valid in the Mexican population, which evaluates the probability of nodding off or staying asleep. asleep in everyday life situations, with a scale from 0 to 3. Regarding ethical aspects, the Declaration of Helsinki and the General Health Law were considered.
Results: from April to July 2024, 93 people with type II diabetes mellitus were studied. The average age was 67 years, 76,3 % were female, 33,2 % were widowed and 32,3 % were married. 44,1 % of older adults with DM have excessive sleepiness. People with diabetes mellitus with a sleepiness scale greater than normal are people who have high glucose levels (>/131 mg/dl), with a PR=1.3 and a Fep=0.23
Conclusions: excessive sleepiness can be a symptom of high blood glucose levels. Therefore, the nursing professional must carry out an intervention on sleep hygiene
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Copyright (c) 2025 Adela Alba-Leonel, Samantha Papaqui-Alba, Brandon Gerardo Montes-Rodríguez, Joaquín Papaqui-Hernández (Author)

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