Active Methodologies for Teaching Physical Education to Students with Moderate Physical Disabilities




Physical Education, Physical Disability, Active Methodologies, Inclusion, Ibero-America


Introduction: physical education is essential for the integral development of students, fostering inclusion and adapting activities to individual needs, promoting a safe and equitable environment. 
Objective: to identify the active methodologies implemented in the teaching of Physical Education for students with physical disabilities in Ibero-America, proposing recommendations based on the findings. 
Methods: a systematic review was conducted following PRISMA methodology, analyzing studies on active methodologies in Physical Education for physical disability in Ibero-America. 
Results: of the 533 articles identified, 15 selected studies demonstrate various active methodologies. Three dimensions were analyzed: active methodologies by country, the effectiveness of the methodologies for inclusion, and inclusive approaches, highlighting the effectiveness of inclusion and the development of physical and social skills. A micro-curricular methodology called "Active Inclusive Mobility" is proposed to integrate effective strategies. 
Conclusions: the research revealed that active methodologies such as Cooperative Learning and Project-Based Learning are key tools to promote inclusion in Physical Education, although challenges such as lack of teacher training and institutional support remain.


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How to Cite

Posso-Pacheco RJ, Montaño Angulo IT, Maqueira Caraballo G, Caicedo-Quiroz R. Active Methodologies for Teaching Physical Education to Students with Moderate Physical Disabilities. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];4:.1014. Available from: