Bayes syndrome and tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome: Consequences of atrial cardiomyopathy? Case report
Atrial Fibrillation, ; Cardiomyopathies, Interatrial Block, Sick Sinus SyndromeAbstract
The Bayes Syndrome and tachycardia-bradycardia Syndrome are different entities that present the same mechanism pathogenic, atrial myocardiopathy. There are several structural and electric abnormalities in this pathology described recently, having the fibrosis as the final event. Describes the case of an elderly patient with syncope, sinus bradycardia and advanced interatrial block in the baseline electrocardiogram. A 24 hours Holter was capable to demonstrate the presence of atrial fibrillation paroxistic with significant ventricular pauses in the finished of arrhythmic episodes. The dual-chamber pacemaker implant allowed to control the symptom properly
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sthefany Cumandá Martínez Palacios, Diego Xavier Chango Azanza, Andrés Felipe Mercado González , Javier Fernando Pinos Vásquez (Author)
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