doi: 10.56294/saludcyt2024.930




Research on drug-induced sleep endoscopy’s effect on treatment approaches for obstructive breathing while sleeping


Investigación sobre el efecto de la endoscopia del sueño inducida por fármacos en los enfoques de tratamiento de la respiración obstructiva durante el sueño


A Govindarajan1  *, Nibedita Mohanty2  *, T.M.J. Santhoshakumari3  *, Pradeep. S4  *, Pavas Saini5  *, Ashmeet Kaur6  *


1Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, (deemed to be university), Department of otorhinolaryngology. Puducherry, India.

2Kalinga Institute of nursing sciences, Department of Medical surgical Nursing. Bengaluru, India.

3Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Department of Biochemistry, Puducherry, India.

4JSS Dental College and Hospital, Department of Orthodontics, Mysore, India.

5Chitkara University, Centre of Research Impact and Outcome, Punjab, India.

6Chitkara University, Centre for Research and Development, Himachal Pradesh, India.


Cite as: Govindarajan A, Mohanty N, Santhoshakumari T, S P, Saini P, Kaur A. Research on drug-induced sleep endoscopy’s effect on treatment approaches for obstructive breathing while sleeping. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología. 2024; 4:.930.


Submitted: 29-12-2023                        Revised: 22-04-2024                                       Accepted: 23-08-2024                                  Published: 24-08-2024


Editor: Dr. William Castillo-González




The research aims to investigate how various medications for obstructive breaths during sleep (OBS) are affected by drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE). A thorough examination of the literature revealed that treatment suggestions impacted by DISE had been implemented. The percentage change for every research and collapse location was noted. The cumulative level of modifications and related 94 % confidence interval (CI) were estimated. According to the patient’s age, the sample size, the DISE method, and the major diagnostic modality used prior to DISE, analysis of subgroups were conducted. These 1 246 patients (68,1 % men, 58,6 % kids, and 77,03 % with a multilevel collapse) were involved in nine trials in all. In 42,69 % of patients (CI, 32,74 to 52,53), the course of treatment altered. The variation in rates increased following awake endoscopy (61,1 % opposed to 43,5 percent following clinical basic examination (CBE) and 40,1 percent opposed to Muller man oeuvre, P = 0,02), CBE, and lateral cephalometry and midazolam-based DISE procedures. Target-controlled infusion is widely used, and randomized studies that compared its efficacy with different methods of diagnosis can be used to examine its therapeutic benefits. The DISE approach can be encouraged by introducing uniform categorization systems of blockage locations.


Keywords: Obstructed Breathing While Sleeping (OBS); Clinical Basic Examination (CBE); Patients; Confidence Interval (CI).




El objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar cómo se ven afectados diversos medicamentos para la respiración obstructiva durante el sueño (OBS) por la endoscopia del sueño inducida por fármacos (DISE). Se anotó el porcentaje de cambio para cada investigación y lugar de colapso. Se estimó el nivel acumulativo de modificaciones y el intervalo de confianza (IC) del 94 % relacionado. Se realizaron análisis de subgrupos en función de la edad del paciente, el tamaño de la muestra, el método de DISE y la principal modalidad diagnóstica utilizada antes de la DISE. Estos 1 246 pacientes (68,1 % hombres, 58,6 % niños y 77,03 % con un colapso multinivel) participaron en nueve ensayos en total. En el 42,69 % de los pacientes (IC, 32,74 a 52,53) se alteró el curso del tratamiento. La variación de las tasas aumentó tras la endoscopia despierta (61,1 % frente a 43,5 % tras el examen clínico básico (ECB) y 40,1 % frente al Muller man oeuvre, p = 0,02), el ECB y la cefalometría lateral y los procedimientos de DISE basados en midazolam. La infusión controlada por objetivo se utiliza ampliamente, y los estudios aleatorizados que compararon su eficacia con diferentes métodos de diagnóstico pueden utilizarse para examinar sus beneficios terapéuticos. El enfoque DISE puede fomentarse mediante la introducción de sistemas uniformes de categorización de las localizaciones de obstrucción.


Palabras clave: Respiración Obstruida Mientras Duerme (OBS); Examen Clínico Básico (ECB); Pacientes; Intervalo de Confianza (IC).





Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) is a medical method that is increasingly being used to diagnose and treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Studies have shown the validity of DISE. It gives clinical information that is not accessible by simple clinical examination alone.(1) Although a sleep endoscopy performed during a patient’s natural sleep is the perfect test, it is not a realistic diagnostic tool since it must be done overnight and the instrument used may wake the patient.(2) OBS is defined by a recurrence of respiratory problem episodes linked to lower oxygen saturation and sleep awakenings that have an impact on the heart, the workplace, and the brain while also increasing morbidity and death.(3) In the 1990s, DISE began to take shape due to the need for accurately assessing collapse in people with OBS and improving surgical outcomes.(4,5) Fundamentally speaking, therapy continues to be the ideal benchmark for cautious leadership of OBS.(6) The certain instances, of DISE may also assist in the identification of individuals that are not appropriate candidates for particular therapies.(7)

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the influence that DISE has on the different treatment options that are currently accessible for OBS patients. Paper(8) was conducted to determine the possibility that our modifications will result in an enhancement in the usefulness of DISE as a specific tool. The obstruction evaluation for each of the Upper Airway’s four segments was conducted using the VOTE score technique. Research(9) investigated the possibility that obstructive sleep apnea patients’ oral appliance treatment outcomes predicted by drug-induced sleep endoscopic characteristics. Study(10) intended to better understand the collapse patterns in OBS patients with low DISE. Patients with a history of OBS who underwent DISE were included. The patients were divided into four categories. Study(11)developed a classification method that enhances the reliability of the classification while assessing the appropriateness of lateral hedgeoperation, was created. Study(12) examined every facet of DISE, including the procedure, the many assessment techniques, and the practical use of the approach. DISE was developed as a helpful approach to discovering dynamic upper airway collapse during sedation that mimics the state of natural sleep.



Research that demonstrated that DISE altered therapeutic recommendations was subjected to an extensive evaluation and a meta-analysis that was carried out. A target-controlled infusion may be compared to other diagnostic approaches in meticulously planned controlled experiments to better understand its potential utility and therapeutic benefits.


Study selection and search strategy

The suggestions made by the PRISMA included adhered to ensure that the main plan and methodology of the present inquiry were executed correctly. Google Scholar, Embase,Web of Science, PubMed,and others were all exhaustively searched for relevant papers. The search was limited to papers published between 2000 and 2019. The most recent query to any of the databases was executed on the 18th of August 2019.


Primary and secondary outcomes

The main result was the proportion of patients that originally prescribed OBS treatment was altered after receiving DISE. The collapse sites that DISE could best identify were among the additional results. The Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), that evaluate modifications to sleeping parameters after therapy is driven through both modalities, were also recorded every time it was practical.


Eligibility criteria

The possible impact of DISE usage on altering treatment choices in OBS patients was reported in both retrospective and prospective cohort research. All instances with OBS that had their diagnosis verified, regardless of age, are included. The sample has to include at least 24 patients. Studies that provided inadequate information on the main results were disregarded.


Data extraction

The extraction of data was placed using particular spreadsheets set up in Microsoft Excel. The subsequent information was gathered for each research that was evaluated: research-related information, such as the initial the author’s last name, samples size, the nation of the publication’s release, and the research’s design; demographics about the patients, such as distribution of genders, average age, and means BMI; diagnostic methods, such as the drugs employed in DISE, the number of collapse sites found, and others; the degree of concordance among DISE and other methods; post-therapeutic sleep metrics like AHI and ESS.


Quality assessment

The Newcastle-Ottawa quality evaluation scale, a particular measure for non-randomized research, was used to evaluate the quality of the research. Each research was evaluated on an average of nine factors across three primary categories, involving comparable, selecting, and results. The Newcastle-Ottawa score (NOS) ranged from 0 (poor) to 9 (outstanding), as well as research was deemed to be of good quality when it had a NOS of at least6.


Statistical analysis

The density of altered choices is divided by the total number of patients multiplied by 100 to get a percent of the change in treatment decisions. Utilizing Microsoft Excel, the proportion of improvement at every site of collapses was shown and evaluated as additional, decreased, or unaltered treatment choices. The change in the percentage of each trial along with the SE was entered using the RevMan software compute the pooling percent variation of all studies and the corresponding 95 % CI. The statistical heterogeneity across research was evaluated using an I2 test, and a model with random effects was utilized that there was indeed considerable heterogeneity. In cases of considerable heterogeneity, analysis of the subgroups was carried out according to the age of the patients, sample size (greater than 100 or less than 100), the DISE procedure that was followed, and the initial diagnosis method.



Results of the search process

At the outset, 320 entries were retrieved from several databases; further analysis revealed 17 records to be duplicates that were subsequently deleted. A search on Google found a total of two records. As a result, 305 different titles were evaluated in their entirety. The full-text versions of 8 different articles were evaluated to determine whether or not to include them. One study was disregarded because it did not provide a report on the main outcome, and another was disregarded because it was written. In the end, seven researchers fulfilled the requirements to be considered eligible figure 1.


Figure 1. An illustration of the research procedure performed in the current investigation using PRISMA


Characteristics of the included studies

The research was contained and released between 2009 and 2018. The others were prospective cohort investigations, while one was a case-control study and another a retrospective examination of patient data to look into the results. The number of samples varied from 37 to 558. There were 1 247 patients overall (69,21 % men).


DISE-related findings  

CBE alone, as well as results of CBE,Müller maneuver, and the lateral cephalometrywas the original bases for treatment recommendations that were revised by DISE in table 1.


Table 1. Properties of the researches that were incorporated in the analysis


Study Design

Mean age

Single orMulti-level collapse



Medication(s)used in DISE





±1 1,24




33,0 ±7,25

glycopyrrolate (0,4±0,3 mg) & Midazolam (0,7±0,7mg) while CBE, then propofol (192±59mg) during DISE



6,1 ±2,7

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

propofol (200-

350mcg/kg/min) & Remifentanil (2-2,5mcg/ml)





Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Sedatives such for the induction process, accompanied by propranolol.






14,7 ±0,19

Propofol (6-10mg/kg/h continuous infusion, then1-2 mg initial bolus)






28,57 ±4,38

firstly, propofol by TCI, then1 mg midazolam in bolus






30,2 ±4,0

Propofol (1mg/kg initially, then boluses of 10-20 mg every 3-5 minutes)






27,1 ±3,2

Propofol (via TCI)


Changes in therapeutic decisions

Propofol studies alone contributed to the observed heterogeneity, according to subgroup analysis in table 2, patients’ ages.


Table 2. DISE-directed subgroups study of treatment choice modifications depending on pattern amount, the DISE method in utilize, and the comparison



Representative (I2 %)

Development amount (95 percent CI)


Pattern amount




30,92(17,39 44,44)





52,07(36,26 67,86)


DISE versus other modalities




62,16(42,13 82,15)





44,63(27,89 61,37)


CBE, LC, and MM



35,13(32,21 38,04)


DISE method




48,45(39,76 57,12)





3 3,99(23,09,44,82)


Propofol and Midazolam



7 8,35(62,75 9 3,96)



While comparing the effects of midazolam-based DISE approaches to those of midazolam and propofol combined (48,45 %) and propofol alone (33,99 %), P> 0,001 revealed a considerably greater rate of change in treatment choices (78,35 %). The variation in percentages were significantly higher in comparison to awake endoscopic (62,16 %) CBE even (44,63 %), and the Müller maneuver (40,12 %), CBE coupled with lateral cephalometry in Table 2.

In five investigations including 231 patients, descriptions of the alterations at surgical sites in adults were in-depth. Epiglottis (42,9 %) with delicate palates (39,8 %) was often subjects of DISE’s revised recommendations. DISE, mandibular advancement devices (MADs) were the usually extra assistance (28,1 %), followed by soft palate (19,9 %) and epiglottis (26 %) operations. soft palate surgeries (19,9 %) and surgical procedures for the tonsils, epiglottis, and base of the tongue (16,9 % for each) were most frequently decreased operations figure 2 and table 3.


Table 3. Adults DISE surgery procedures in comparison with various methods of diagnosis


No change



Soft palate












Tongue base





















Figure 2. Adults DISE surgery procedures in comparison with various methods of diagnosis


The altered locations of airway collapse in children were identified by two investigations. With an 88,3 % modification rate, tonoplast was the most often modified procedure. Less common (6,3 % and 3,1 %, respectively, (figure 3 and table 4) were the procedures on the tongue base and the nose.


Table 4. Children DISE surgery procedures in comparison with various methods of diagnosis


No change



Soft palate












Tongue base





















Figure 3. Children DISE surgery procedures in comparison with various methods of diagnosis


Post-Therapeutic outcomes after DISE recommendations

AHI and DISE’s recommendations for changing surgical plans were not shown to be significantly correlated. In a case-control study, it was also discovered that there were no significant differences between patients whose procedures were guided by DISE and those whose treatments were guided by CBE in the several the patients having an AHI of >10 preference sleeping based on the contents.



The purpose of directing future treatment methods and the identification of blockage locations in OBS patients is of the utmost significance. A patient’s chance of having a successful operation during sleep surgery may depend on the areas of collapse that are chosen. The majority of changes to uvular and palatal locations were expected given that most studies updated their treatment recommendations for individuals undergoing UPPP and RFP procedures. This is because waking procedures did not mimic the dynamic behavior of collapsible elements if a person is sleeping. Rapid induction has sometimes been used to show central apnea. The degrees of blockage at the velum, oropharynx, and base of the tongue varied significantly across groups, according to the authors, leading to either an under of airway obstruction.



A majority of OBS patients that utilized the DISE technique changed their treatment plans, with around half of them. The epiglottis and the soft palate were changed surgically at a greater frequency than those of various sites of blockage, and the alterations’ values are considerably greater versus in youngsters and adults employing midazolam-based DISE as opposed to additional techniques. Regarding blockage locations discovered by DISE, a standardized categorization method is required. Future research should also look at the efficacy, security, and dependability of DISE-driven methods.



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Conceptualization: A Govindarajan, Nibedita Mohanty, T.M.J. Santhoshakumari, Pradeep. S, Pavas Saini, Ashmeet Kaur.

Data curation: A Govindarajan, Nibedita Mohanty, T.M.J. Santhoshakumari, Pradeep. S, Pavas Saini, Ashmeet Kaur.

Formal analysis: A Govindarajan, Nibedita Mohanty, T.M.J. Santhoshakumari, Pradeep. S, Pavas Saini, Ashmeet Kaur.

Drafting - original draft: A Govindarajan, Nibedita Mohanty, T.M.J. Santhoshakumari, Pradeep. S, Pavas Saini, Ashmeet Kaur.

Writing - proofreading and editing: A Govindarajan, Nibedita Mohanty, T.M.J. Santhoshakumari, Pradeep. S, Pavas Saini, Ashmeet Kaur.